10) 研削するワークの長さは 500 mm 未満としてください。 500mmを超えるワークピースを研削する必要がある場合は、アングルグラインダーなどの他の研削工具を使用する必要があります。
11) 使用する研削盤では、2 つの砥石の直径間の摩耗量の差が 20% を超えてはなりません。
12) 各作業が終了したら、直ちに電源を切ってください。
1) Operators must wear safety glasses and anti-splash masks.
2) The body must be kept at an appropriate distance from the grinding tool.
3) Turn on the power and start grinding only when the grinding wheel runs smoothly.
4) It is strictly forbidden to violently impact the workpiece with the grinding wheel. During grinding, pressure should be gradually applied to protect the grinding wheel from impact force and prevent the grinding wheel from bursting.
5) The distance between the working end and the hand-held end should be kept more than 20 mm.
6) The amount of grinding should be appropriate during each grinding to prevent accidents caused by the workpiece running with the grinding wheel.
7) When grinding for a long time, cold water should be available next to the grinder to prevent the workpiece from getting hot and causing burns during grinding.
8) Steel parts with strong crumbliness cannot be ground on the grinding wheel to prevent the workpiece from breaking.
9) Do not grind the workpiece perpendicular to the diameter of the grinding wheel, that is, do not grind the workpiece on the side of the grinding wheel.
10) The length of the workpiece to be ground should be less than 500 mm. When workpieces longer than 500 mm need to be ground, other grinding tools should be used, such as angle grinders.
11) For a grinding machine in use, the difference in the wear amount of the two grinding wheels between their diameters shall not exceed 20%.
12) After each work is completed, the power supply should be cut off immediately.