Showing 7–8 of 8 results

  • Ultrasonic Hardness Tester TIME®5631

    TIME®5631 ultrasonic hardness tester is an intelligent ultrasonic hardness tester with little destructive effect on the surface of the test piece. It is a non-destructive hardness tester. It has fast detection speed and high accuracy. It can measure the hardness of locally hardened parts in a small space and thin parts, making up for the limitations of desktop hardness testers and is popular in the market.

  • Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge TIME®2190 with A/B scan

    TIME®2190 is the latest high-end ultrasonic thickness gauge developed by TIME Group Inc. It adopts pulse reflection principle, that is, the transducer sends ultrasonic pulses to travel through the test object and receives the reflection pulse from the backwall of the object. TIME2190 can nondestructively monitor the thickness of almost any material like metals, plastics, composites, fiberglass, ceramics, and glass with A scan/B scan. It is used to test the wall thickness and corrosion of various kinds of plates, pipes, boilers, vessels across industries like metallurgy, shipbuilding, machinery, chemical, aerospace, power, automotive, oil and gas, manufacturing and others.