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TIME fully automatic Brinell hardness measuring system. Manufacturer of automated hardness measurement.

The topic of fully automatic Brinell hardness tester provides you with the latest price quotation of fully automatic Brinell hardness tester in 2024 and relevant information about manufacturer and brand, including fully automatic Brinell hardness tester parameters, models, etc., whether it is domestic or imported brand of fully automatic You can find Brinell hardness testers here.

In addition, we also provide you with free integration of consumables, accessories, reagents and standards related to the fully automatic Brinell hardness tester, as well as the latest information and data related to the fully automatic Brinell hardness tester, as well as solutions related to the fully automatic Brinell hardness tester. plan. Automatic Leeb Hardness Measurement System TIME5210A

The fully automatic Brinell online hardness tester is a high-precision hardness testing machine equipped with a high-precision load closed-loop control hydraulic drive system. This machine is equipped with a unique 4″ ultra-long stroke Brinell indenter, which can be connected to the production line to realize product production, surface grinding, automatic Brinell hardness testing, and Brinell hardness scanner to automatically measure indentation.

A series of fully automated processes such as converting diameter values into hardness values are highly efficient and eliminate the influence of human factors on the hardness test results.

The fully automatic Brinell online hardness tester probe can lift and clamp the surface of the workpiece being tested. In order to ensure that the workpiece is always stable during the entire Brinell hardness testing process, the clamping force of the clamping system must be greater than the corresponding loading force. The fully automatic test process is not affected by any external factors, and the length of the cycle test can be set through the software. The Brinell hardness scanning system can display the indentation diameter, hardness value and other information directly on the computer screen at the first time, and can automatically save it to the system database. The importance of automatic hardness testing machine.

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